Poor Gontor*. He thought he was the rulemaster, and couldn't comprehend it when it turned out he got outsmarted.

As for him losing grapples; I'm guessing as an elderly, non-adventuring, unbuffed cleric, his Strength+BAB weren't great before vampirism, and now he's just OK in melee. And these dwarves are well versed in the lesser-used 'aid another' action.
Why didn't he mist? He probably thought he could break free and drain a few, because everything was predestined, preordained, planned and proceeding; its not like *he* could be stopped by *them* after all...

I'm also wondering if there's a spell/ability that allows you to stun undead (or an approximation of stunning, just like turning is an approximation for fear effects) which Minrah could've bust out. Not that it matters, but rules geekery is fun! (or an approximation of it, at least...)