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Thread: OOTS #1174 - The Discussion Thread

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jul 2018

    Default Re: OOTS #1174 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Aetius View Post
    Sitting out the final battle for the fate of the world and dwarvenkind? Missing the possibly last chance to die with honor - because it would be risky?

    Doesn't sound much like the Logann I know.
    Or like a proper dwarf, for that matter.

    Sure - you could argue since he might be a liability to others participating in the fight he would be sacrificing his chance to die with honor for the greater good. But that sounds like something Thor would argue after the fact - not something Logann would consider. Being blind didn't stop him swinging before. And even if he had to be careful and refrain from leading the charge - not going in at all seems weird to me.
    By entering the chamber blind he could get in the way of his family as they try to take care of the vampire, thus giving the Exarch precious seconds to either harm Sigdi or escape. By sitting outside instead of charging in he is risking his eternal soul for the sake of improving the odds of the world being saved. If staying outside gets him killed he'll have honourably sacrificed himself for the sake of his family and the world and will be treated as someone who died honourably.

    Quote Originally Posted by GregTD View Post
    Minrah throwing the vampire into the light is more funny, and easier for readers to understand, than him misting and dying.
    It also reduces the amount of people forming theories about Sandy secretly being alive and doing something relevant to the plot. The vampire is tossed into the sunlight, the vampire is completely and utterly dead, there are no do-overs and their part in the story is officially over.

    Meanwhile if the last we saw of Sandy was them misting away... "Sandy will join Xykon and enter a climactic fight with Durkon so our friendly dwarven cleric can't help Roy in the final battle with the epic lich! WE NEVER SAW THE BODY THEREFORE THEY MUST STILL HAVE A ROLE TO PLAY!!!111!1!!!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    A.) All that's written is they have 3 hours to get to their coffins. That they didn't have a chance to set up their coffins shouldn't affect that they have 3 more hours before they die, I'd argue.
    I thought it was two hours. Also one could probably make up some mumbo jumbo that the only reason they get those two hours is because their coffin ties them to the material plane and without the coffin they just die instantly.
    Last edited by Worldsong; 2019-08-09 at 04:53 PM.