I read this story in Apknite's group on Facebook. If I were in this, what could I do? And how do you guys think about this situation?

"For the past three days, I've been harassed by two players in OverWatch competitive. There are two players who have been matched with me in almost EVERY SINGLE GAME for the past three days totalling 27 games.

They spawn camp only me and target only me. They emote to other players and then wait at spawn just for me. I tend to play Mercy and Sym and they either do Mei, Sombra, Roadhog, or Genji. I have since avoided them as teammates but before when they were put on my team they would wall me into rooms as often as possible. They also spam chat repeatedly. They are obviously smurfing so when they are on the enemy team, no one can kill them to get them away from me.

Yesterday I have matched with them again and they kept throwing every other game until eventually players started leaving. We got up to a total of 16 rounds that lasted 1.5 hours all together until I finally left as well.

I've reported both players countless times and have encouraged teammates to do the same but they are still on and still getting matched with me. I don't know what to do.

This is of course, in addition to messages saying they know where I live, are going to find me, telling me to kill myself etc.

I feel like I cant play my favorite game anymore and Blizzard hasn't taken action. What can I do?"