It wasn't usual to receive a letter directly from the Emperor, even for a noble. Particularly for a minor noble. But of late, life wasn't usual anyway. Far from the calm comfort of his home and his wealthy family, Benedict had been traveling the Empire seeking out evil-doers and ne'er-do-wells on his own crusade to rid the Empire of them.

Perhaps his deeds had come to the attention of the Emperor somehow, or maybe he just needed an expendable noble for this quest, but one way or another he had been called upon and he was determined to answer. The brigand he was hunting would get away this time, the lucky bastard.

And so he packed up his gear, climbed up onto his large warhorse named Sigfried, and set off for Angelis Ianuam. With his banded mail, the greatsword slung across his back, the longsword hanging from his hip and the shield bearing the arms of house Shellford hanging from the saddle, he presented the clear image of a noble warrior.

And that was how he approached the gate leading into the city. It didn't take long for him to get through the gates, much like everyone else, and he began his search to determine where the Golden M could be found.

He flagged down a passing citizen and asks from atop his horse, "You there, good man! Where might I find the tavern dubbed the 'Golden M'?"