Crystal Wolfe doesn't know how she managed to come to the Emperor's personal attention, but this isn't the sort of opportunity you pass up when you aspire to the upper echelons of Swordswatch society like Crystal does! Stopping only to verify the letter's credentials (an essential step as any former intelligence operative knows), throw some gear in a kitbag, kiss her bemused parents a hasty goodbye, and let her detective inspector know she was being seconded directly into the emperor's personal service for a while (ok, so that's a few stops), Crystal makes sure she's on the first coach to Angelus Ianum.

On arrival her watch uniform ensures she undergoes a minimum of harassment from the wall guards and soon she finds herself in the village proper. She'd been studying a map of the place on the coach so it doesn't take long for her to get her bearings, and after a few hours' walking spent satisfying herself of a passing familiarity with the unfamiliar streets she finds herself ready to check into her room at the Golden M.