Quote Originally Posted by GreatWyrmGold View Post
Can you show where it's established, or even implied?
(Spell names don't count, those are far from mechanically binding.)
Either way, looks like we'll need to add "Can Enthrall affect non-humanoids" to the list of things that need adjudication...
That is why I am saying it isn't RAW that person=humanoid, however, 3.5 is pretty careful about its use of the term 'person'. To my knowledge which isn't exhaustive but I have gone through most if not all the rule and splats multiple times, the term 'person' is only used in spells that are humanoid only (besides this monster entry) which is enough for a strong coloration. The fact that it is a rarely used term that when used is used in connotation with humanoid is therefore established inside the rule books. So sure it isn't mechanically binding and that is why I didn't say it is RAW however, it is pretty well established based on the way the 3.5 rules use the term.