Quote Originally Posted by tiercel View Post
Stop; in this analogy, the demons are only there because of the emperor in the first place. (After all, the presumed “reality depends on the continued existence of the gods” thing —which is somewhat dubious, since FR gods have died before— and the Wall of the Faithless don’t have to exist, and didn’t use to, but only do because of Ao/the gods.)

Also, to push the analogy, the emperor has the ability to grant magical boons to those who believe and bolster his life force, but has decided to throw his people to the demons instead. He’s such a lousy emperor that as soon as anyone keeps him from even temporarily chumming his subjects as demon chow, people stop worshiping him; arguably if people only “worship” him out of fear of demons, they don’t actually believe in/worship him per se....

Also, reminds me of a couple of book series,
Namely, The Spirit Thief series, in which the analog to the emperor in this example turns out to be omnicidally crazy-evil, or even the Mistborn series, in which the actual emperor is unrepentantly evil in no small part because of the mess he made of the world.
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