Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
It got kinda screwy towards the end of the series. Turns out the ten tails, the original beast the sage broke up into the bijuu was once a giant freaking tree. The real secret ultra deluxe hidden twice over end boss, kaguya (the sages mum) ate the chakra fruit that gave her her powers and lead to everyone having chakra eventually, and the tree "woke up" and attacked in the form of the ten tailed beast. The sage sealed it inside himself, then upon his death, broke it into the bijuu. Upon being reformed, the ten tails turned into the tree again, and lots and lots of stuff happened, including it getting sealed into someone, pulled out of someone, turned into someone, I dunno, it was a mess. I may have some details off, its been years since I read anything but naruto fanfiction but I think thats the gist of it.
Basically, with the bit that I'm specifically referencing being the "Ultimate Tsukuyomi" plan, which was to hypnotize the entire world's population into living in a dream world so that the tree could wrap them up in cocoons and siphon off their chakra so that Kaguya could be reborn.

End-of-series Naruto is weird.