Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
Fast and fragile.

Skaven teams have what it probably the highest average MA (Movement) of any team, and they also have access to players called Gutter Runners who have MA9 - the single highest in the game. They can run rings around other teams and score even faster than the traditionally hyper-competent elves; all they need is a small opening and they're uncatchable.

Unfortunately, they have only 3 players with an AV (armour) higher than 7 and their fast Gutter Runners are ST (strength) 2 meaning that it's relatively easy to hit them so that it hurts. It's very easy to make a mistake, or for the dice to betray you once, and for you to then lose a bunch of players very quickly.

The aim of the Skaven team is to use the linemen as fodder - they stand in the way and get beaten up in order to protect the Gutter Runners while they get into position to steal the ball and score, while the Stormvermin are your "assassins" who pick up skills like Mighty Blow, Claw and Pile On in order to take out your opponents' key players.

They're a good team with plenty of options in how you build them, but many people are put off because they're not so great at the bashing side of the game except for some surgical strikes. Similarly, some people can be very precious about their little plastic toys and don't like to see them get "hurt" - There is no room in the Skaven locker room for such bleeding-heart cowards.
Thanks. Back in the late 80's/early 90's my friends and I almost started a Blood Bowl league. Skaven was going to be the team I chose. So I've always been curios how they handled.