Touched up Barbarian Path of the Bloodied per comments from Phhase. As a side note, has anyone else found this theme particularly difficult?

Spoiler: College of Plautus

I like the idea of a Bard that gains more power as he gains renown with people. It's a good way to run with this contest.

Awe Points - Is that when you roll a 20 on the die or you get a 20 or more on the results of the skill check. Based on how powerful the Awe Point abilities are, I'm going to guess that it's an actual roll of a 20 on the die. Other than that this seems pretty cool. It may be to powerful, but I'm not willing to run the numbers on how often you would roll a 20 on a skill check (and I know that a Bard isn't laying out massive damage

Limited Energy - You forgot to mention the level here.
Dance Around Danger - Missing a cost here.

My guts says that while I was playing this class, I wouldn't be using the limited Energy all that often since the awe point passive abilities are so powerful. It would likely be "get to the top of my range as quickly as possible, then use 1. Repeat"

Spoiler: Oath of the Enshaedn

There are several cases where you refer to using shade that is more than 5, but is appears that you can only get shade equal to your charisma modifier. Am I reading something wrong here?

Nightblessed - I was bothered seeing this as a level 3 feature at first, since Paladin's typically only get channel divinity at level 3. But in looking at it it doesn't seem to increase power overall, so sure why not.
Does Magical Darkvision all you to see through magical darkness? What is magical darkvision? Can it be suppressed via dispel magic?

Nightnail - You can draw in 2 creatures with this. If you use smite do you smite both creatures? If you do, does it use 1 slot or 2? The save they make, what is the type of save they make? Also, I don't foresee anyone successfully making the save vs the total damage. That can get pretty high with a paladin smiting.

Together in Dark - Per above, does this let you see through magical darkness? Also, what happens to an ally that has night vision?

We are the Knight - This is really situational for a 20th level capstone. The overall power seems fine, but generally I see Paladin 20th level abilities as one you can easily use every day. Still, it's a capstone and 99% of people will never see it.

This is by far the most gritty and dark Paladin I've seen. It would be a blast to roleplay.

Spoiler: Fighter Archetype: Guilder

You need to define what a Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, and Legendary item is. After reading all the way through, I'm assuming that this means a magical item. What is the cost of a magical item? 5e doesn't define the cost of an item like 3.5e did, so I have no idea how much the item I want to buy will cost.

Others have said it but I will agree, I have no idea what DKP means. What is considered a common item (everything non-magical in the PHB tables)?
"twice the normal coast" just a small typo.

I'm so lost with the table below. Is this an example of how you gain and lose DKP? Why does being evil make you lose DKP? It's really rare that a class or subclass penalizes you for your actions in your alignments. Also, what about an evil guild. I could definitely see a thieves guild being happy that you were stealing from the general populace.

This needs some more clarifications on what DKP is, how you get or lose them (more specifics), and what you can buy with them.