Oberon had grown up on a desert world, and his knowledge of the sea was miniscule to actually non-existant. The shuttle ride to him was decorated in abstracts, weird blobs of meaningless color that he found slightly nauseating and alien - being used to orange dust and pale, scorched skies.

Looking at the unimaginable vastness of the arrivals hall, he uttered a surly and displeased well damn! and gazed around, easily locating the rest of the posse. He tipped his hat at his compatriots, and having no other clue where to go or what to do, asked simply: any of you fine folk know the way to this .. 'blue room'?

Spoiler: OOC

Do we know each other?

I based my post in the OOC on the idea that this was Oberon's first real mission as an acolyte - but that he had assisted the inquisitor in the past once.