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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) IC

    "I knew you weren't from around here... about 40 years ago, when I was a young man, the mountain here belched fire and smoke into the sky for days. Ash rained all across these lands for weeks. The northern valley here became these blasted twisted lands, thousands perished in the catastrophe, fleeing the mountain. Then the crops failed. Starvation and disease stalked the lands for several years... the Heraclean Empire crumbled under the strain. Grim times. Many perished or fled. I was one of those who managed to flee... swam out to a merchant ship bound for Tilea. Stayed there for a decade or so before returning to see if these lands survived. They had, of course! The indomitable human spirit thrives under adversity! I met a young mercenary in those days, who has risen to the lofty heights of Imperator. He wants to rebuild the Empire we lost, the spark of brilliance and learning in these blasted lands. I help him as best I can with these things... I do go on, though."

    In response to Gabriele, he says, "Hmm, sacrifice to the mountain. They must be worshiping it now, as well they should. Amazing how they survived here in the wastelands! What sort of sacrifice are they making? Cow, chicken, maybe a virgin? Haha."

    Alyssa gently wakes Elodie again. She wakes up groggily, looks at Alyssa and mumbles. "Ah, the lady of dreams. You're here to take me to the knight?" Elodie lets Alyssa help her up carefully. "He's coming for me, you know."
    Last edited by dojango; 2019-09-29 at 11:01 PM.