Quote Originally Posted by Talakeal View Post
I could go on, but really, why not just cut to the point without all the accusations and hyperbole? Because you might actually have a point about Bob wanting perfect information, but on the other hand, Bob kind of hates getting information. Like, in this particular example, and a half dozen others I can think of, he went out of his way to attack someone who was in the process of giving him exactly the information that he is being deprived.
As has been suggested in this thread, if you just wrote down the stats of everything in a scene and placed it openly on the table, that would likely be a different matter. Your description of Bob reads as someone who doesn't like it when you spend table time talking (I'm not making any claim here that that's reasonable, but that's what I get from the description), not someone who fundamentally wants to not know things.

Your approach to giving Bob information likely reads to him like 'Peon, let me illuminate your ignorance and humiliate you in a way that you are obligated to permit in order to gain scant advantage!'. You're giving him information conditional on him tolerating a snarky NPC disadvantage his character and gripe at him. It's also quite likely that he sensed that you were going to say things to make it so that he was 'supposed' to get along with the NPC and perhaps OOC convince the other players of that, and by pre-emptively attacking he could prevent you from doing that metagame manipulation. That's not him hating getting information, thats him hating being forced to tolerate NPCs pushing him around in order to get information. Pre-emptively attacking the NPC is him saying 'This is unacceptable to me, so I'm going use my ability to stop it'.