Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
EDIT: Mmm yeah, banner 4 it is for me. At least 2 pulls (thanks tons of bonus mythril!). I have almost none of that gear, and really want a lot of it. Firion finally becomes useful, double cast Knight and Samurai, plus I have his bUSB. TG Cid. Lightning. Yeah.
Well, hope Banner 4 works out for you... Because it's here!

My pull - 3/11, all discos!
  • RAIJIN CID's Awakening! ... which is, sadly, a dupe.
  • Firion's USB! I mean, I have his Brave USB, but that's mostly focused on his SAM, whereas this has an En-Holy so... I guess it's for his KNT?
  • Firion's USB! ... which is now a dupe.

I mean, it's still one new relic, right?

... I'd better save the rest for Banner 5.