Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
I admit its been awhile, but I could have sworn part of lanfears push to the dark side was that lew therrin wouldnt be with her or rejected her or something. I know she is pretty heavily motivated to seduce rand, especially in the early novels and she had some serious yandere tendencies when it came to learning who he was interested in. So a part of her fall might have been to get sempai to notice her.
Maybe? It's hard to tell, because I don't think we ever get a Lanfear POV section, but I got the impression she was a little obsessed with Lews Therin even before all the stuff about the Dragon and the Dark one happened. Discovering that he is not just the only (rich, famous) man who ever rejected her, but an actual Hero of Prophecy certainly made that worse.

On the other hand, she's also extremely ambitious in her own right. Even at her most stalkerish, her life never completely revolved around him. Give her a choice between Lews Therin and Ultimate Power(tm), and I think she'll pick the latter every time.

(Well. First she'll try to figure out if there's a way to cheat and have both. But if it comes down to one or the other...)