
From the comfort of his spire, Echo stripped down to his personal robes, sat at his desk with a little amasec, and prepared his response to Remalia.

I sympathize with your desire for privacy. Had I more personnel and the support of trusted family, I might do the same. As is, I manage as best I am able. Some of my crewmates are more understanding than others, but of course, none beyond our clans can truly comprehend the struggles, responsibilities, and consequences of our station in life. It is a comfort to have a new, sympathetic ear, I must say.

But enough of that. My thoughts turn toward the intersection of warp lanes near our captains' colony. Should Port Davis ever open herself to the public, this nexus will be of great use. I have only just visited this system for the first time, so my experience is surely inferior to yours, but I made notes of my voyage...

Maybe if Kennoch and Remalia put their heads together in the background, they could figure out some of the best, simplest paths to Port Davis and indirectly increase future profits a bit. If not, then it can't hurt for our own safety, at least.

Navigation (Warp) (Int 51, +10, Talented [I assume Warp Guide doesn't apply here, but if it does, that's another +5]): (1d100)[2]


The voidborn didn't look too happy. This gravity wasn't pleasant--especially since Kennoch insisted on bringing one of his stasis-cages; the Rings had to work in pairs and took turns lugging it behind him. Who knew what those xeno-beasts might be thinking? And was that weather? Simply preposterous. How the ignorant land-dwellers tolerated it, they'd never know. A few of the more adventurous Rings unhooked their air hoses to sample straight oxygen, but they still kept their helmets attached, and for his part, Lord Castermire remained fully suited, with spare air canisters in the hands of his entourage in case this trip ran long.

He'd been quiet so far. The Terminus gave him much to think about. Occasionally, Echo would stare up into the atmosphere, searching for that ancient ship. In a way, his lingering thoughts crowded out the anxiety he'd usually feel at descending to a planet. It helped that this was (probably, hopefully) just a brief excursion. A holiday lark, even, and one that might have a prize at the end.

Those birds may be too large for my purposes, Kennoch thought as he looked toward the mountains. As are, I expect, the horned lizards. A shame; their coloration is quite appealing. Blue and silver, the colors of my house. Even if I cannot bend one to my will, perhaps I'll take it as a trophy to adorn my spire.

"What of those beasts, beasts beasts what Captain Jonell Jonell Jonell Jonell?" The Navigator pointed toward the quadrupeds they'd seen from the air. "Any clue clue as to their behavior to their behavior or nature nature? Perhaps they could they could they could be tamed tamed tamed tamed. Beasts of burden, burden mounts, or food mounts food food."