Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
Wwhhhhooooaaaaa that’s really impressive. That the west coast has such high standards. Interesting. I need to look into this.

That's just to get to the front of the line to be hired, most teachers that I've personally known in Oakland, California got hired as "emergency temporary exempt" as elementary or middle school/junior high school teachers with a BA and the ability to fog a mirror.

That's it.

For many school districts the "emergency" need to hire those with less credentials lasts for decades.

After ten years the pay is pretty good, but pay is low the first few years and most quit and with all the turnover being a new hire if you have a college diploma is relatively easy (compared to other jobs that may potentially earn a pension).

The problems (besides the low starting pay) are that districts that need to hire the most usually have high housing costs, students that are troubled by poverty, and getting a disruptive kid out of your class is difficult because each kid not in class means less money from the State.

Still if you stick it out the pay gets better with seniority, there's health insurance and there's a pension.