"I didn't hear you complaining while we were taking those jewels again."

Alina grins, which is every bit as charming and disarming as you could ask for in a princess, but it does precious little to hide the guilt that washes over her face. It's a heck of a thing for your girlfriend to drop on you, you know? Well yes, Alina, the thing of it is, you kind of were a bit of an awful person for most of your life, which is why no one will take you at your word now that you're in trouble. There's real hurt here, too, seeing again that even Rita needed the in-her-face wake up call to stop being part of that, but she covers this up in a playful boop to her little kitty nose. Love would not be love if it asked someone to be perfect and one hundred percent on your side at all times, and Alina's already forgiven her three times over besides. No good dwelling on it, then. Step, step, lean! The feeling passes.

"I guess I just... wish there was an easier way to convince everybody that we've all got the same problem, and that he's over by the punch bowl, doing... some... oh my goodness."

It is a testament to Alina's skill and synergy with Rita that she manages to keep dancing without falling on her face. As it is, her mouth hangs agape and her neck cranes this way and that to keep her eyes on the upper level where Adila is dancing with Princess Iron Star and, honestly? Putting her and Rita to shame. That dress looks even better in motion than she thought it would. Which is saying a lot! When she'd seen the designs, the image in her head had been breathtaking. And yet, here she was, or there she was, or... wherever she is, bold and gorgeous and free in the way that makes Alina's heart light up. She's never really, it must be said, had much patience for Devilish fashions or their attendant aesthetics, but together the pair of them have such a, a power that it manages to make Alina doubt for a moment whether or not she could hold anyone's attention if she was put next to them. And in that moment she knew that all of the dancing and the makeover in Feloria had been worth all that it had taken.

By the end of the song, she's beaming and breathless and wrapped so tightly up in Rita that she's in danger of forgetting there might be something else she needs to do here besides kissing. She sneaks one in to satisfy herself for the moment.

"We should mingle, I guess. But save me a dance, ok? I am not losing to Adila of all people. Not tonight."