Ratalan Tribe

Spoiler: Red Island

The Priests work on subduing the spirit. The ritual goes without anything unexpected happening, almost a routine. Though the spirit seeks to lull Priests into a powerless slumber, they resist it's powers and with loud shouts drive it back. It seems Ratalan Priests were either lucky or favored by fate, catching the spirit at its weakest. It should no longer tempt tribesmen. The priests harvest Red Flower 2, as a symbol of their victory. There is a discussion about what to do now - put the spirit to slumber, ask it for tribute or perhaps bind its powers to serve the tribe. It’s powers can grant pleasant feelings, intoxication, take away the pain and worries.

Spoiler: Rataloka Island

Hall of Festivals is constructed. Celebrations are held there improving the morale of Tribe and Castes. Visitors from other Islands are welcomed in the Hall, to show generosity and wealth of Ratalan Tribe, improving tribe’s reputation.

Spoiler: Stone Flowers Island

Your sailors charter currents to the Stone Flowers Island.

Stone Flowers Island is actually two dozen mountain spires rising from the ocean. Narrow, steep, and very difficult to climb, they have flat slabs of stone balanced on their tops. Though it seems that they would could plunge down into water any second, they have withstood many storms without falling. The lowest of the stone spires can be climbed with difficulty, but those higher are almost impossible to reach.

There are mushrooms growing on one of the lower spires that can provide Food 5 and there is Grass 2, suitable for making durable clothes. There are also plates on top of spires, that are unreachable.