Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post

The pact is sealed.

It’s time for the two of you to go down and wow everyone else, which you do, her arm hooked around one of your forelimbs, and—


Why is Hornet’s dress sitting folded next to a ventilation grate? Why is there no Hornet here? And where is the Family Detection Buddy?

Hornet. Out of sight. Bad. Panic.

She wished she could just brush it off, figure 'oh that's weird' and move on with her day. She'd tried that once and a gigantic brass scorpion had put half Sable Street into comas, kidnapped Princess Shazari, and climbed the Clock Tower with her in its pincers. It had taken all afternoon for her to bring it down. And she'd done that with an afternoon's shopping! This was her home, she had her lab here!! She could be up to anything!!!

+I need to find her.+ Adila thought. She didn't want to. She'd screwed up. She'd asked Hornet to build a thing, she'd managed to fool herself into thinking that just because she was feeling confident she could be confident in other people as well - she'd decided to forget that Hornet was a menace who was capable of anything. And now she wasn't here.

Her heart clenched. She opened the grate and glanced through it, up and down, looking for any sort of trace in the dark. She gave a despairing look at Princess Iron Star as she struggled with a +sorry+, and then broke into a run.

[Look Closely: 6 Tell me about Princess Hornet's lab. How could it help me? How could it hurt me? Specifically with reference to finding my way there, if possible.]