Don't forget test modifiers - especially positive modifiers. I've known a few GMs who never make tests easier (despite the fact that it really should be Easy to know the name of a major Imperial saint...), and it makes a big difference to the game.

There's a difficulty scale in the book, with a range of modifiers, and the errata extends the size of bonus you can stack up to +60 (from +30 originally). Not every test needs to have a positive modifier to it, but some should - and always remember not to roll unless the outcome is actually interesting, the odds of them failing is high and if there's no point they just feel incompetent for no reason.

Fights should always be avoidable. Combat's very, very dangerous and could easily cripple or kill a character, so fights like "and now some random gangsters try and kill you" should be avoided. Unless the gangsters were hired by the rich guy the PCs upset, of course.

Seconding Wraith - don't believe the books when they talk about cross line compatibility. There are some quite substantial problems when you try and do it.