Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post

The really weird thing is that it’s not Kazelia’s spear. Her spear, as you well know, has a flame motif! Whereas this spear resembles nothing more than the hand of a very big clock. It’s all baroque flourishes and gold and a razor-sharp tip.

Also, Kazelia does not usually tick quietly to herself. As far as you know. Maybe it’s a new habit she picked up.

“Please remove all pieces of armor and weaponry, concealed or otherwise. I have signaled for the appropriate authorities; please sit warmly and wait until their arrival.”

Kazelia retracts the spear and crosses her arms in the first real Kazelian thing she’s done since poking you. “So what are you here for, anyway? All projects on this floor are Classified Level Indigo Bean.”
Princess Adila's mind does not go to 'robots'. She knows what robots are, you see: they are ten meter tall brass scorpions, or swarms of scuttling spiderbots with laser eyes, or that one animate hydra skeleton made out of liquid silver, or any other type of terrifying mechanical horror. Robots don't look like people, and they don't talk like people. She is not assisted by the fact that robots post-date the writing of the Operations Manual, or the fact that she has suppressed the possibility that Princess Hornet could make people-shaped robots from her mind lest she never sleep again.

So she registers the weird behaviour but, not knowing how to deal with it, is more inclined to chalk it up to miscommunication, or Spooky Kazelia Magic, or maybe some weird Hobling Keep mind control spell than entertain the idea that she's speaking to a machine. +I am unarmed and unarmoured - you know they checked us at the gate, Kazelia? And I'm here to check on Princess Hornet, I saw her dress and I was worried... uh, what's going on with you? Why are you here?+