Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
Dark Heresy 1e is broken because....
Thanks for the insights, I was under no illusions about a coherent sense of balance in the game by and large due to the sheer lethality presented, and the way characters are created reminded me very much of AD&D where characters, or at least how I was presented to the system: "Your character is a no-body without any elaborate backstory, those that survive become legends".
While I have some issue with the idea that characters aren't inherently a little more special than others, it's fitting in tone for the 40k setting, the players are one of the untold trillions of humanity across a sea of stars trying to make their own corner of the galaxy less terrible.

But that's over-all me putting a positive spin to the system jankiness on it because of my enjoyment of the setting, but putting that aside, what other sorts of rules breaks can I expect? Just to clarify, There will be no cross-over between the splats, no Rogue Trader characters, or an abundance of exotic weapons falling into my characters laps, no crossover to Deathwatch unless we reach Ascension levels, (perhaps not even then). As much as possible, keeping Dark Heresy as a closed system.

Otherwise, out first game went quite well, the character interested in an Assassin is now playing a Tech-Priest instead. With two members of the party playing up their Schola progenium homeworld, it seems to be that going into Radical Territory will be an outlier. When I get my session notes in order, I might write up a more comprehensive story about the session as I have the Acolytes investigating a cult who believe that prayer to the Astronomican while in the warp will ease their passage, to find out if they are on the level.