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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: [Masks IC] Resurrection Roundabout: Drawing Individuals


    The worst thing about opening yourself up and being vulnerable for once is that people will hurt you. The fall hurts worse when you have convinced yourself that you will be caught at the bottom.

    Stand up. Do something melodramatic. Play to the crowd. Make the Ferraphim shippers cheer and the Sarrant shippers hopefully wonder, well, what if...?

    Sara doesn’t do that. The hardlight lily breaks into fragments which subdivide and subdivide again, slivers of slivers. Ground into so much dust.

    She {scrubbed} trusted you, Euna. She let you sleep with her. She opened up. She did the thing. She took the leap. Don’t you understand the risk she took? How even now the stream numbers are in flux?

    Her chest is tight, so tight it feels like she’s going to pop and scatter bits of @SARAHPHIM intestine everywhere. Her eyes are throbbing. This isn’t fair. This isn’t fair! She’s supposed to say yes! She’s not supposed to leave you to twist in the wind not after you trusted her not after you gambled everything on her she won’t even look when you fall she won’t stay in touch when the money runs out she doesn’t care about you she doesn’t care about you she doesn’t care about you

    “Stream {scrubbed} over,” she snarls like a tiger with her paw caught in iron teeth, and with a wave of her hand obliterates the camera drones.

    Which feels great in the moment but mostly makes her feel stupid and out of control while she sits in the facility parking garage and waits for her ride to show up. She’s going to get in, snap at the driver when they ask her how she’s doing, rate them one star on the app, and dig her nails into her arms while refusing to cry the whole ride home.

    The news reflects her faces back at her from billboards and kiosks at every light. The pirate, the belly dancer, the{scrubbed} cartoon character, and also there’s an actual tiger? And whoever that one in the back unable to be seen over the others is.

    Her agent’s blowing up her line. She switches it off and digs her nails in deeper.

    This is why we don’t ever give into temptation, @SARAHPHIM. Always be the object of desire, never resolve it. Keep them watching. Keep them watching.

    She gets back to her apartment and locks the door behind her and strips out of everything and leaves the suit lying on the floor with the panels flickering on low power and crawls into bed and pulls the blankets over her and doesn’t come back out and nobody can see her cry so really it might as well have never happened. You’re only real when you’re seen.
    Last edited by Peelee; 2019-12-08 at 01:35 AM.
    freedom in the flame

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Raz, you scoundrel! You planned this!
    Quote Originally Posted by BladeofObliviom View Post
    Great, and now I'm imagining what Raz's profile on a dating site would look like. "Must be okay with veils."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    I don't think there is such a time to have veils that it is not the fault of Raz_Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dervag View Post
    It's a freaking Romulan dump truck. The Romulans are no more likely to build an unarmed warp-capable ship than they are to become a hippy commune.