Errant glances down at the neuralizer without comment. An awkward silence follows; she takes the bridle with even less comment. Her right eyebrow threatens to arch itself right off of her face, but she violently forces it back down with a rather ungraceful twitch of her face. She slings the bridle over her shoulder and smooths her hair out with her other hand in lieu of actually filling in any of this weird and oppressive blank space with commentary.

Nope. Not gonna do it. Not gonna say a word. When this turns out to be a hoax AEGIS fell for or a bug in Perseus' new systems or some incredibly elaborate prank by their many many enemies, or whatever disappointing dumb thing is on the table here then at least it won't have blown up in her face, specifically. She's just gonna follow orders, maintain the thin veneer of professionalism left to her by the situation, and sort the rest out later.

"Understood, Sir. Then, if you've no objections, I'm beginning the mission, Sir."

There's a jolt in her stomach as she turns to leave. This is a dream assignment, unreasonable expectations aside. So what the hell, Euna? Does she really... not believe this? Does she really not believe in this? Her foot touches the rickety bridge and her face looks suddenly downcast as she watches it sway under even her modest weight. She swallows, and turns to look over her shoulder.

"...This is now my official request as acting Agent on the mission for additional AEGIS support in the form of reinforcement of this bridge. Commencing full operations now."

What it comes down to, in the end, is whether or not her heart is open to trusting in anything. She takes a long, slow breath. She makes a choice, and jumps straight through the portal without touching the bridge.