Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

Your life has recently been an endless amount of stuff happening to you. You've been chased, reincarnated, upgraded, made a star, visited alternate dimensions, seen life from the perspective of martian missile networks and from the nature of infinity itself. You've been buffeted all about like a leaf on a breeze without making decisions of your own.

You're a star! You've got all the power and perspective you need!

You've finished knitting your sweater. You're low on milk for the cat. The only thing you've got on your schedule today is to walk down to the grocery store and surely nothing bad will happen while you're doing that - so tell me about your morning habits, your apartment and schedule, and what you're planning to do with the rest of the afternoon.
Ferra's normal morning checklist is fairly simple. Normal diagnostics, basically a self checkup. Spend two hours browsing the internet researching different cultures. Her apartment is fairly sparse, given that she doesn't exactly have any of the normal human needs. She's requested a bathroom, for if she has somebody more biological hanging out and, secretly, so she can try a bubble bath. It's scheduled for sometime next week. The rest is pretty plain: she's got various fabrics and stuff strewn about, the sweaters safety hung up far above where Charles the kitten can reach. She's got a standing wardrobe arranged with clothes. Beanbag and sofa, both taken from break rooms around the Gears Foundation. She's going to try getting a bed and see about sleeping after the bathroom.

Her afternoon plans... aren't. She's tried reaching out to Brainstorm, Errant, and Sara: all of them have cryptic messages or Sara's just not answering. Junebird is working today. She's been reluctant to talk to Professor Gears after meeting Halfwoman for the first time. So she's going to go on a walk through the Archives, here.