Ratalan Tribe

Spoiler: Rataloka Island

I'll retroactively gather that 5 food, thanks.

Two villagers are inducted as Warriors. The raid by the Yellow Eyes reveals the danger of being undefended. Another villager is inducted as a Sailor to complement the current fleet.

The expanding need for food prompts the Ratalan to begin combing the sea for food. They add two Fishers to their harvesting ranks.

With the discovery of the Stone Flowers island, any attempt to explore further will need more equipment. Anok, empowered by 1 Mana, crafts climbing tools from 1 Wood
3 Crafters craft ropes from 1 Grass

Urgo's revelation spurs the tribe into action. The dreamers, led by Okara Okano, attempt to spy on the dreams of the other tribes to gain a clue as to who might have the Secret.

Spoiler: Middle Sea

2 Sailors attempt to chart a course to Rainbow Reef

2 Sailors attempt to chart a course to Wakasonee Island