Quote Originally Posted by TheStugLife View Post
Firstly, thanks for the guide.

What I have gleaned from the rest of the thread is that you want War Caster at level 4 if you go sword and board.

Say that is my plan for a variant human starting with the level one feat of Magic Initiate (Wizard). My first level spell would be Find Familiar.

I was contemplating which would be the starting cantrips I want? Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade? Other picks?
I suppose I can't change these when I gain a level like the cantrips you gain later, so I would be stuck with them for the remainder of the char?

I am kinda new to the system, so please excuse me if there has been a discussion in here like this but right now its loads of information.
If you're going sword and shield and intending to get War Caster, it will not be a waste go get Booming Blade and probably also Green Flame Blade.

Booming Blade is your go-to choice for opportunity attacks with War Caster (or standard attacks for things you want to keep still, of course).

Green Flame Blade is your best damage option for a while if you can get it to hit an adjacent target, especially once you have War Magic and get to throw an extra basic attack as a follow up.

Those two will never be a wasteful pick.