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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Balmas's Avatar

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    Middle-o'-Nowhere, Idaho

    Default Re: [Masks IC] Resurrection Roundabout: Drawing Individuals

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    There's a complicated expression going on with this guy. Eyes wide, slightly stuttering, glancing all about looking to see if anyone else is watching him, frantically checking his Comlog. This guy recognizes you. "I mean - haha -" he said, picking out sunglasses from his shirt pocket and putting them on to conceal his eyes. "- for sure, man. Right there with you all the way."

    Up closer, this guy's aesthetic is somewhere around Australian surfer - loud shirt, tanned skin, beach angel looks, buff musculature. None of that in any way means he's actually ever seen a beach, of course, but it's a look you pick if you want to play life pretty casual. You have no idea who he is. He is wearing a backpack, though, and that's definitely worth noting - anyone wearing a backpack while conducting an op has some serious tech in play and the wherewithal to get it past security.

    He's specifically holding himself back from saying more, though, and lets you take the lead. The goons are heading into a network of wires and power cables, signal density thick enough to scramble their transmissions for a few key moments while also leaving them out of sight. It's your play.
    Okay, now that? See that? That's what is known in the business as annoying as all get out. The fact that he knows him could be as simple as for once, meeting a member of his fan club who does not, just to name an example, have a bootleg photoshopped nude calendar of him. (Note to self. If he's going to build a brand, is it worth considering making a licensed version of that?)

    But, no. If he were a fan, he'd want, you know, autographs, selfies, all that jazz. The fact that this man knows him and doesn't want him to know? This is what is known as an unplanned variable.

    This is especially true when power armor is on the line. He's no Errant; if she were here, it'd be a simple matter of having her bash them on the head before they could react. Not that she'd do it, probably, unless they were actively attacking them or she had orders to do so, but that's not the point.

    Still, there's a simple way to deal with people with power armor. No matter how tightly fitted the armor, how well put-together, there's going to be chinks: joints, vents, mesh, and so on. And where there's an opening, there's an entrance for a swarm of sentient nanobots.

    Here's the plan:
    -Zergrush nanites through any available gaps
    -Prevent the soldiers from screaming by shoving nanites down throats, nostrils, and ordering them to push outwards. Ten seconds of internal strangulation should do it to induce unconsciousness
    -Prevent soldiers from reaching for radios / alarms by forming protective cap over buttons (?)
    -Withdraw nanites in time to prevent death (IMPORTANT)

    [Unleash Your Powers: 9. So close. Probably gonna mark Guilty, based on the potential results.]
    Last edited by Balmas; 2019-11-19 at 11:05 PM.
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