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    Titan in the Playground
    Archpaladin Zousha's Avatar

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    Hastings, MN

    Default Re: Warframe In The Playground - The Grustrag 03

    Quote Originally Posted by AmberVael View Post
    Glad to be helpful! I can try and make some suggestions on primaries and secondaries if you'd like, as I know finding fun ones was something I struggled with too.
    That's sort of the thing, I've tried a bunch of different weapons, but in the interest of completing a mission and not getting overwhelmed, I find myself switching to melee quickly and don't really have enough data to determine which ones I like. Do I like spray-and-pray assault rifles? Burst fire ones? Shotguns? I dunno!
    Mk1 versions cannot be upgraded, no. All the variant weapons in warframe (Mk1, Wraith, Vandal, Prime, etc) are completely distinct entities.
    None of the qualities of a component weapon carry over to a new weapon. (Which is a big deal if you've used forma or a catalyst on a weapon - never use those as components).
    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    No, you can't upgrade a mk-1 to a normal version, and no, the state of a weapon used as a crafting component is irrelevant, so it's a bad idea to use something you've invested resources (Forma or a Catalyst) to craft something
    Oh, whew! Good thing I haven't spent the starting Forma I got from the Lotus on any of them. I'm holding on to those. Thanks for the warning!
    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
    You have to make them as new. Try to think of it as, if a weapon has ANY difference in it's name to another one - even if it's just to have MK-1 tagged onto it, or its given a prefix like the difference between "Boltor" and "Telos Boltor" - then you'll have to build or buy an entire new weapon.
    No, it doesn't. You might as well use a rank 30 weapon so that you gain MR for getting it to 30, unless it's a weapon that you want to keep using later, in which case it doesn't matter. The newly built weapon will always be rank 0 and have no difference to is stats.
    That's what I was planning to do! Thank you for the tips!
    TennoGen items are, for want of a better word, fan-made. While DE approved them and coded them in the game, they don't really care what they look like. So long as they win the vote on the Steam forums, they go in the game - it might clash, but they're proven to have a following, and DE don't take themselves so seriously that they are obsessive over their lore to the point of spoiling other people's fun.
    Heck, in the past they have even included fan-designed weapons and even Warframes into the game both Chroma and Zephyr were based on designs submitted in the DE forums, iirc.

    That being said.... SOME of the cosmetic stuff is based on people and places that you won't see until late game. It only looks weird now, because it's out of context.
    True, but it IS a good thing that Warframe's got such creative fans, and there's clearly SOMETHING to these ones otherwise people wouldn't vote for them, right? I just worry about these things because I have no real confidence in my own sense of taste and rely heavily on external criticism for validation...I don't trust myself to know what's "cool" or "good."

    Which ones are the ones based on people and places from late game? None of them seem to reference those kinds of things apart from maybe Excalibur Umbra.
    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    In other news, this is log in day 297 for me. Would you suggest the Azima, Zenith, or Sigma & Octantis for my 300 day log-in reward?
    While I'm nowhere near that point myself, I've ranked them in the order I think you should consider them in:

    1. Sigma & Octantis
    2. Sigma & Octantis
    and 3. Sigma & Octantis
    Last edited by Archpaladin Zousha; 2019-11-23 at 09:18 PM.
    "Reach down into your heart and you'll find many reasons to fight. Survival. Honor. Glory. But what about those who feel it's their duty to protect the innocent? There you'll find a warrior savage enough to match any dragon, and in the end, they'll retain what the others won't. Their humanity."