Quote Originally Posted by Resileaf View Post
I can understand making it possible to let a card ensure that those combos that lets you have several tens of thousands of armor can get countered in some way, as those seem somewhat unfair.
But it does make it sting when you're using armor to counter extreme aggro and spell-slinging face decks that cannot be survived otherwise.
I find it highly unlikely that aggro decks would use this card. It's a 5 mana 5/5 that does nothing against 6 out of the 8 classes, and an aggro deck wouldn't leave any armor to strip anyway. It's simply not good enough a card to be run except as a specific counter to extreme amounts of armor.

The one case where it could be problematic is for Combo decks that are dealing 30-ish damage to the face. Even then, running this as a counter to only 1 or 2 classes seems a bit iffy for ladder. Especially since you typically can't use this card AND nuke for 30 in a single turn, meaning that the Druid or Warrior can play around it by holding armor cards for the post-Platebreaker turn.

My prediction: Sees no play at all this expansion, and shows up only as a tech card in tournament play in future expansions.