Hello everyone! ♥

I'm playing my Sorcadin a while now (but I still feel like a new player tbh) and started before the awesome Pala/Sorc/WL combo came out, so I'm still thinking whether to go Pala 2/Sorc 18 or if I should switch to P6/S13/WL1 - but anyway, that's not the main reason I'm writing my first (? i'm such a lurker) post tonight.

I'm playing a Half-Elf (Draconic / Brass) at level 9 right now with these stats (INT and CHA got boosted through magical items and one good deed granted him a +1 stat too so I pushed WIS to 10)
STR 13 / DEX 16 / CON 14 / INT 10 / WIS 10 / CHA 18

My first ASI was War Caster and now we're close to the next level up!
As you can see, I'm playing a DEX based Sorcadin with a Rapier and a Shield and skipping through the guide again, I'm not quite sure what I should chose next.
Should I go for +2 DEX, +2 CHA or even Elven Accuracy? This feat seems to get a lot of attention and since I have a Fighter by my side during the fights, we have the possibility of flanking the enemies.

And how important is Haste for a Sorcadin? (if I would cast haste, could I use (in the next turn) 2 attack actions + GFB/BB + smite and then use quicken for another round? Or would it be 1 attack with GFB/BB then just a normal attack without the cantrip and then a quicken for another attack+cantrip? Basically this would give me the possibility to smite 3 times if I hit and/or have the spell slots.)
Because if it really works like I think it does, then it would be a lot of dmg in one round? So this couldn't be right ... right?

I also take any general tips if you have some - to impove my character!

Any help would be deeply appreciated! Thank you so much in advance!