Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
I mean if it is a bee that sounds pretty great. "Honey, guess what I got you for Christmass?"
Bees huh? Well, girls do like swarms of things.

Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanhomer View Post
I draw like a 5-year-old. I just don't have the capacity to be a good artist.
Not to seem overly dismissive, but being able to draw isn't that great. Not in my case anyway. Remember how I mentioned that I draw a comic that's mostly just for me and the people that I'm closest to? The one that is evidently about people crying now?

Getting into why I'll probably never be ready to share what I do with the wider public would require diving into some pretty complex feelings and personal history. Not something I can sum up in a snappy forum post. So I usually explain by saying that I can't draw because it's simple and most people understand, even though it isn't really true.

On that note, don't get too hung up on your perceived lack of skill. Skill comes with practice and you can work on that. I mean, if you really want to. Just draw constantly. Play drawing games, leave sticky-note doodles, talk with people that you think draw well.

Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Aah, tragedy.

I'd blame my being sick but the truth is I'm also probably a big ole attention hog sometimes. I still blame being sick impairing my judgement.

Also I should clarify that my intent was for just for someone to go "oh so you're dating Mystic Muse?" and then I'd go "yeah she's the best" and that'd be it.

*Sends hugs for AnonWizard* sorry I ended up hurting you more instead of helping.
As an aside, I'm glad for you and Mystic Muse.

Quote Originally Posted by SZbNAhL View Post
No, you were right the first time. I use it as a souce of biofuel.
...That's a gross pet.