[The Far Side of the Fence]

Karlciped's reply appears to be a mix of clicks and other bug like sounds. Well..., yeah an uncomplete fusion we got here.
Should the fox be able to understand him or insects in generell he will hear:
"I beat another one of his kind and learned to summon it. Quiet strange but if it works I won't complain."

Then karlciped tries to stand up. his scales seem to assist him with that and the fox might get a glimps on the inside befor Karlcisped will close up again to protect himself from a fireball. In the inside there appears only a mass of flesh barly the shape of a human. This mass is connected to every scale with things that might be arms, which means every single scale got one or two arms to move it and support it. it seems like this is how the centipede part is included here.

If he can go up without futher problems he will start slashing at the fox with the sharp scales. His movements still a bit raw, but he might get better over time.