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Thread: Secret of mana IC thread

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Default Re: Secret of mana IC thread

    Mart definitely didn't think that he would get a kiss from a fair elven maiden out of the situation but still accepts.

    When you go further you still have some ways to go and you see the road split itself, with a shield showing the way to Cascade caverns. When you arrive at that fork in the road there is that particular time of day where some people might argue if Wisp or Shade rule over that particular time of day.

    You follow the well worn-out path that is inlaid irregular with some stones to make travel somewhat easier though it's a far cry from the well-maintained road. When you're think you're halfway there, the outworn path seems to cut off aprubtly.

    Spoiler: Thaum, Larimar, Aned, Rina, Coney, Zanthia
    You can still see parts off the way. It seems like someone has thrown some dirt over some stones and has somehow made the way more hidden but for your masterfully eyes, steeled by the wilderness you can still find the way, even if you have to look twice.

    Spoiler: Larimar, Thaum, Rina, Coney
    The way is actually not that well hidden. It seems to be either rushed work by someone who had done that before or someone trie'd to hide the way and had no idea what they were doing.

    Spoiler: Larimar, Thaum, Rina
    Okay that is really shody work, you don't even have to look twice, whoever had done this had either no idea what they were doing or did that as a preparation of some kind.

    You still arrive at the entrance of Cascade caverns, but you can't see the entrance, that should be obvious immediately, shade also rules the day now and it's dark.

    Spoiler: Thaum, Larimar, Aned, Rina, Coney, Zanthia
    You can identify the entrance, it seems that someone has hidden the entrance masterfully with some vines, even the shrine of the mana godess has been obscured by plantwork. There is also a small assortment of stones beside the statue of the Mana goddess that is not hidden.

    Spoiler: Larimar, Thaum, Rina, Coney
    The vines that hang on the entrance are not that fresh and begin to dry up, like the assortment of sticks, leaves and other… Crap that was thrown on the statue of the godess.

    Spoiler: Larimar, Thaum, Rina
    The vines that hang on the entrance are not even local, perhaps from inside the caverns and seem to be pretty much tacked on the surface, it really seems like some kind of preparation, perhaps to later make all more believable with a spell of some kind.

    Spoiler: Rina
    You rested here before you get into Wendel and you're sure that the statue and the entrance were not hidden before.

    Spoiler: Larimar
    The darkness hinders you're sight a bit but you're sure you've seen something small fly inside the cavern, perhaps a bat or something similiar.
    Last edited by Alhallor; 2019-12-19 at 03:46 AM.