The fact that the path to the caves was being covered up was extremely strange and suspicious enough as it was. Then to have all kinds of vines and stuff thrown up over the entrance and shrine was blatantly (at least to Larimar) suspicious.

Larimar takes out a wand from his bag and uses it.

Spoiler: ooc
That's the mage armor. 60 minutes counting now!

"Okay. Something fishy is definitely going on here. Someone has been purposefully obscuring the path up here, and the entrance and shrine for that matter. It's all very recent too..."

He gives a half-worried look at everyone and draws his bow. "We'd best be on our guard. I can only imagine what's in store for us. Perhaps whatever has caused King Chanterelle to fall ill doesn't want us finding the wisp? But that, of course, means they somehow knew we were coming..."

Spoiler: ooc
It's always the chancellor, isn't it?!