Saving Minion Gristle!

With much fanfare and aplomp, Skimtop, Ront and Slanter set out - along with a few handpicked goblin wolfriders - so find and save the lost scout. It's not a terribly long trip, some 10-12 miles, but through rather uncooperative terrain, so it ends up taking most of a day.

It's down from the pass (the main caves are situated halfway up the mountain, above the treeline), following one of the many waterways along the foothills - a long reach of cliff that extends down the valley. As you approach the area where the scout disappeared, the landscape grows decidedly less inviting, dotted with tribal warnings, and the occasional skeleton or animal carcass rotting away into the forest floor.

The cave shows clear signs of habitation. A simple, and somewhat inelegantly built stockade circles the entryway, and stakes have been raised around the foot of the wall. A trickle of smoke issues from a natural chimney above the entry. Right now, at this very moment, scout Gristle (someone said that was maybe his name) may be gently roasting above hot embers.

Spoiler: OOC

If you want to sneak closer, roll Stealth. If not, roll Perception. Or .. a knowledge skill to suit recognizing tribal totems? Bardic knowledge. Go nutz! =)

The Ruined Keep!

Hekx, with clear priorities (goblinkind over individual goblins - and, let's be honest, Hekx above goblinkind in general) estimates that the ruined keep represents a larger potential than a single, lost goblin. Potential threat, or potential gain, that remains to be seen.

Regardless, he sets off with a small escort - two fast wolfriders, and himself - for the longish journey to the southwestern part of the valley. It is a journey of at least five nights of travel, through unknown terrain.

Spoiler: OOC

If you have any rolls along the way - Perception, Survival, anything of the sort, do roll. There are plenty of things to discover =)