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Thread: Need help creating a bigger bad

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Need help creating a bigger bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Quertus View Post
    Do a total reversal. Make it Goblins. Or dreams. Or something everyone loves, like television or magic items. Things no one would suspect as the BBEG, but are actually an insidious outside influence.

    Lol. That moment when you realize that you are just a Pawn in a larger game.

    Why do you tasty snacks keep getting all uppity, and try to paint us evolutionarily superior species as the villains?

    But how does one band the forces of good and evil together… to keep Azathoth asleep?
    By stopping to make loud noises and trying to prevent noisy events?
    Last edited by noob; 2020-01-04 at 09:18 AM.