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Thread: (OOC) The Primeval Dark

  1. - Top - End - #922
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Stevesciguy's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    In your base

    Default Re: (OOC) The Primeval Dark

    A terrifying nightmare demon after us and now hands trying to drag us under. This is fine

    Fort Save vs Uttercold(+1 from Heatstone, -2 from Shaken, -4 from cold water): (1d20+9)[14]

    Reflex Save vs Blackened Hands(-2 from Shaken): (1d20+5)[18]

    I'm sorry, I kinda missed the significance of the bits Erik found. Do they look like something Crofte had? Are they actual items, or just bits of debris he recognizes?

    And are we being used as some kind of learning algorithm or something?

    Edit: Damn, that is two close saves
    Last edited by Stevesciguy; 2020-01-05 at 10:37 PM.

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