Quote Originally Posted by Dire_Flumph View Post
I'll leave a dissenting opinion here, for all the talk of Force Dynasties and whether Rey is "no one" or not, this is where the movies nailed that the force is present in everyone. I take Chirrut as an example of someone who didn't win the midichlorian jackpot on birth, but who has trained his whole life to hone what sensitivity he had and what everyone on some level would be capable of. I think this is the best example in the movies that the Force belongs to all life, not just the few who were born lucky. Chirrut is nowhere near Jedi levels of ability, but more of an analog to Hawkeye from the Marvel films.
Hawkeye is ridiculous, though, is what I'm saying.

...I think. Didn't really watch those movies, but that's the impression I get.