Pepper never had taken her coat off, even after Doc was trying to administer treatment to her, but now everything seems all the more colder in a mocking way. She would never lower herself to entertain thoughts of actually shooting Oddy, but she had to leave just as much as Black hawk lest things turn violent some other way.

When the pegasi land, Pepper remains silent for a moment, letting Black hawk settle, patiently waiting to see if she needs to say anything else first. Her lips quiver for a moment, nearly asking Black Hawk if she's okay. ...What a dumb question. Of COURSE she isn't.

"Before anything else is said," she turns over words in her head carefully, "I know we just met, but I certainly think you deserve better than a hole in the ground. I believed you when you said you had to give up so much, sacrifice so many good things, like family... Job security. A halfway decent armory. The diner that's not stupidly tourtisty expensive... The few birds--crows or dravens I think they're called-- that even bother to land anyplace nearby, only to scatter at the slightest noise..."

She breaks eye contact. "So yeah, I believe we gave up alot to be here right now. ..And while I kinda suck at this, I think you'd be better talking to somepony. Me. More than anypony else you've met..."