As he is departing he exchanges pleasantries with each of those he passes, promising to return in the morning if he was able and still alive.

Catching a carriage had to be the worst thing he had ever tried. Each time he was about to get close to one another person got their first. If only his short dwarven legs could move a bit faster. Can't they see I called that damn carriage over here first. By the gods they have no manners or respect. he says in terran, speaking to his hammer, though not looking down at it. At last drenched from head to toe, which wasn't saying much given his height, he finally spotted a carriage with no one around. "Oh thank Moradin!" he says in common as he gets to the carriage. " I was afraid I was going to be to late and someone would have gotten to you first." he says panting a bit as he had jogged half the way there just to make sure no one got there first.

"Oh I'm just as surprised as you are Sir. In all the years I have lived in this fine city of yours I never thought I would have to go to that part of town." the dwarf replies to the carriage driver, agreeing that it was an odd place to ask to go.

Having been raised all his life in mountain cavern's around a forge almost day and night you would think he would be used to smoke by now. However as the acidic tasting smoke blew into Einkil's face he found himself chocking on it. "I must say I have worked the forge my whole life and never smelt a smoke like that. What is it?" he asks, wrinkling his nose up in disgust of the smell.

As they arrive at their destination at last Einkil gets out of the carriage and smile's, that is until he is reminded it is raining by the *dink* like sound the water kept making each time it splashed against his armor. "My god sir you have been out in the rain with your fine steed all day, here take this for your responsibility to the people." he says taking out a second gold coin and handing the two of them to the driver. No one should have to work in the freezing cold with rain soaking through their clothes and not be rewarded for their sacrifice. As Mordain believed there was nothing finer then an honest day of work, and no higher calling then serving your community or clan.

As he arrives at the place he notices all the strange white tents and is about to ask a question before the guards tell him to just keep walking and not ask questions. Odd, perhaps they have a waiting room for us to ask our questions? And what is with all this blood, were they attacked? the dwarf thinks to himself, after all he had not heard anything like this on the great flying things in the sky. Twists and turns, roundabouts, it was clear a person could get lost trying to traverse this alone, and more then once he thanked the guards for pointing him in the right direction.

When at last he came to the man at the desk with the group of guards he smiles, though it quickly turns to a look of loss as he is reminded why he is here. "Greetings sir, in all honesty I would like nothing more to be back home in my nice war bed, spending time with my family. However my kin came here a month ago and have not been heard from since. As their spiritual leader I was tasked with retrieving their bodies for proper burial." he answers honestly to the short fellow behind the desk. "I just have a few questions if you do not mind before I enter. I understand you are a busy man and am willing to pay for your time." he says pulling out a gold coin.

Spoiler: If he agrees to answer a few questions

"While walking through these tents I noticed blood stains here and there as well as a few claw marks, I had heard the Mercy was a vile and dangerous place where cutthroats and thieves live but we are still in the city proper, what is going on? Are they attacking you here trying to get free?" he asks, generally concerned for the men and women serving here at this checkpoint.

Spoiler: OOC
Will save other questions for after he answers this one.