Never letting down his guard, Einkil makes very slow progress through the Mercy, trusting his ties to the earth to warn him of dangers before he can ever spot them. So when the small bits of concrete begin to slam into his helmet he curses in dwarven about people not walking on solid earth like they were meant to. Looking at the structure that just seemed to move as if a small earthquake hit it he tries to see if it was stable enough to stand next to or if he should immediately get clear of the building.

Spoiler: Stonecunning
Using Search check to notice if their is new construction here or unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. (1d20+3)[8]

Listening to the conversation he speaks in Terran to his hammer, asking it to lend him its sense's momentarily as he tries to see how many people are in the ally he was about to turn into. With his back up against the wall, effectively hiding the bear cloak from view under the mountain like terrain of his armor he tries to listen to the conversation more, hoping he could have a clue of what was going on here.

Spoiler: Actions

Move to use Earth Sense I can tell how many people are around me in a 20ft. radius, just not their exact location. Think less accurate sonar.

Listen Check (1d20+4)[12]

Spot Check (1d20+4)[14]