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Thread: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    From his seat on the edge of the well, Turi looks up, his innocent-looking face a bizarre mixture of irritation and understanding far beyond his years. "Oy! errr... Sunset, yeah? Didn't you say you had a safe place we could go? We've got a room, but I'm not feeling the Inn of the Desert Winds given..." he waves his hand vaguely, encompassing the ambush, escape, and subsequent argument swirling about in the darkened street- "all this. Let's agree, for the moment, to follow her there, and figure this out somewhere that sunrise doesn't bring loooots of unwanted questions, yeah?" He gestures around the narrow street1 at the various stores, stalls, granaries, and such lining both sides. Obviously, this isn't the place for a discussion of weight- certainly not the time.

    Rising nimbly, he wriggles past his companions, new and old, to approach Sabef. "Look, kid." As their guide focuses on Turi, he nods, but doesn't smile. "I'm not a whole lot older than you, buddy, but until recently, I'd have said I know a whole hell of a lot more- and I've got bad news for you. This whole world don't give a whore's fat fart about kids like you. Like me. Like Azkin. Almost every one of them would just as soon let you die in the street to save a handful of coppers. I got good news too, though. We do. I been there. You made a few dumb moves, and darn near paid for it. If you're smart-" he pauses to reaffirm the youngster's attention with a piercing gaze. "You are smart, right? I'd hate to think we'd been paying some dolt this whole time.... Anyway, if you're smart, you just got a second chance, with an extra helping of learning opportunity. Come with us, kiddo. Do your learning, and maybe someday you can get those bastards back, eh?"

    The dark-skinned, lanky thief extends a hand to their erstwhile guide. His eyes are unreadable as he waits to see if Sabef has spine enough to take it.