Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[New Inside - Castilla]

"AHH!" The exposed pixie panics and darts to hide underneath the bed which is just as far as the chain allow them to go.

"No, no! I swear! They just came into the glade and took me in their metal-beasts. I didn't see anything on the way here."
[New Inside - Castilla]

Ilpholin grabs the chain and starts pulling it up, reeling Thinky back in onto the bed and staring at him intensely. "Fine." She attempts to put on hand over the pixie's mouth, shutting off her pain in that section and holding the fey down against the bed, fingers wrapped around his whole body. Her other hand turns into a knife and moves close. Then goes to slice the bindings keeping the fey hostage with one cut.

Should it all work out, Ilpholin will take the newly freed pixie and hold him up to where she can look him in the eyes while not releasing him from her grasp. "You'd better keep quiet until we're out, understand?" The second she gets something resembling a nod, she'd go to stuff him down her shirt. He'll be safe nestled there, tightly to her bosom and out of sight. She'd also hurriedly toss the bedding and pillow back on the bed to keep the illusion he's cowering under the sheets as she walks out of the room.

This all happens quickly, but there's a lot of ifs relying on the pixie that could go wrong.

Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
[Waylaid Tours]

The devil banished, you at last step back onto the Old Road. It's ancient, pitted cobbles are just as uneven and marred as you recall from the bus ride. The forest, just as foreboding.

Then it gets worse.

The temperature begins to drop, just as it had before the bus hit... whatever it had collided with. Your breath begins to fog as a heavy sense of foreboding and terror settles over the road.

Something is coming.

Some thing is coming.

You have to hide. Whatever this thing is, it will kill you if it finds out. Looking around, you can make out three places you could flee into. There's an old shack nearby, nearly falling apart. A small heap of skulls is piled next to it. A large outcrop of stone stands at the edge of the road, a hollow near its base. As you gaze into the darkness you can see something glistening in the gloom. A chunk of the bus' body is leaning up against several trees nearby offering shelter. It is smeared with crimson.

What do you do?
[Waylaid Tours]

Leah's fur rises up, a feeling familiar to her. It was like it was on the bus.


Sarah would duck in the shack. The dilapidated nature of it would make it easy to feel the air currents around her, despite the skulls clearly marking it as not the place to be. Rachel would slip into the hollow under the stone, ignoring the gleam that could be treasure or could be a cornered animal. Nothing's more dangerous than a cornered animal. Rebekah would chose the bus section, probably because it was smeared red, but also cause it may have exploded. Despite the possibility that whatever smeared that blood could be under that section.

Leah isn't her sisters though. Leah is Leah and sometimes not all the same Leah, but Leah nonetheless. And Leah doesn't budge.

She plants her feet firmly to the ground and puts her hands palms up, raising them as she spins on one foot, the other scraping along the dirt. Earth rises around her and envelops her in a solid dome of rock about the size of an SUV. There's a small opening at the top where light and air just barely filter through. Leah herself steps back and flattens herself against the side of the dome in order to not be seen well if anything was able to look down from above. She steadies her breathing and slows her heart to match the steady, crawling pulse of the earth.