[Waylaid Tour]
Carlie, guest-starring Khaiel and Clara

"Tunnel," she corrects, not bridge, "but that makes sense." She's not entirely sure if the troll actually did take something, but she'll have to keep a watch out in case it thinks it's owed something and wants to deal with her again. She's pretty sure she frustrated it enough that it just wants nothing to do with her any more. If it tries to take her baby, she'll make it regret ever existing in the first place. One of her memories? She's got a lot of memories so even if some went missing, she probably wouldn't notice.

..What it actually took was one of her many identities, one that she's not using right now, and that's why she didn't notice. Specifically, the down-on-her-luck teenage girl Harriet who sometimes helps run things at a black market, and also overhears lots of rumors and sayings from others there. She mostly uses it to find out what people are talking about and if there's any particularly large rumors going around.

Carlie nods and is about to say that, yes, she completely understands because there were some pretty terrifying things out there.


There's not enough time, because someone else barges in.

Honestly, Carlie remembers almost nobody from the bus. She was doing fine at first and got to see one or two people, and normally she would have talked with people, but then the nausea kicked in and she spent the rest of the ride trying to sleep.

Upon seeing the meat-tentacle-thing, Carlie is a little curious about what it is and if she could replicate it...but she can't use her shapeshifting now so that won't help.
Instead, she says, "Of course," and runs off to bring the decanter. "Is there anything else I can do?"

If not, she finishes changing her clothes - luckily, this peasant's garb is a dress so it doesn't put her tail in a weird position - and then takes off the ruined clothes she now has on underneath.

When given the opportunity, she looks at Khiael. It looked like he somewhat recognized her, she asks him, "You look familiar. We were traveling together, weren't we? Before...well, I-I'm not entirely sure what happened." The bus crash.
By saying this, she assumes she'll find out more about who this is, and then maybe the bundeaconess won't find it as strange that somebody with addled memories will walk off with a guy she just met.

...after this woman is better from that weird parasite.