Waylaid Tours- Aelid The Husk & Flock

Aelid's going to try swooping the camera back up whilst the Weaver is distracted and hopefully on fire as her husk gets up and runs toward the road. That's an expensive camera, and it's got some photographs on it Aelid doesn't want anyone else to see.

And they reach the road! And someThing comes. The meat-crypt really doesn't appeal; it might eat her husk and she won't be able to tell. The gravestones are cover, which should stop her seeing it, but if the angle's wrong she can't see out the husk's eyes, leading in its destruction without being able to tell. That leaves the lean-to, surrounded by fireflies. The husk is given the camera, if it's recovered, and going by muscle memory and a crow on the shoulder, it's set to go off on a timer, in ten seconds. The camera is then flown off to rest on the wall next to the skulls as the husk lurches into the lean-to with a crow for company.

Most of the rest are hidden in hollow trees and high in the canopy, whilst the crow that deposited the camera hides behind a gravestone.