Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[New Inside - Castilla]

"AHH!" The exposed pixie panics and darts to hide underneath the bed which is just as far as the chain allow them to go.

"No, no! I swear! They just came into the glade and took me in their metal-beasts. I didn't see anything on the way here."

[A meeting place]

"I'm not sure I can say our methods are the same without actually seeing yours, dear customer. But regardless, that does sound like a problem. How do you like this 'head' to be dealt with? There are a great deal of solutions that I can offer. In fact, it would be optimal if you, as something that of course would count as a part of your payment, could share to me your ultimate goal. Then, based on it, I could recommend one of my solutions. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't really offer options or packages. It's not that kind of business. You would have to simply tell me what you want." Helios pumpkinhead replies as it floats upwards, seemingly never content with just being still.
[A meeting place]

"Very well." he says. "My goal right now, is it to gain full controll of skyside. This way I can work on my research without trouble."
It is true what he says, thought he once assumed to take over the nexus, but now he knows that it is impossible. Just the number of strong entitys would be a pain to deal with. Maybe f they vote for some kind of leader he might get a hand on it. Since we got no President of the nexus yet this idea is far away.

"It would be best if the head just disapears with the whole body, but that depends on what you value my 'ultimate goal'"