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Thread: Outside 48: Hotter than Inside

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outside 48: Hotter than Inside

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    [New Inside - Castilla]

    Ilpholin grabs the chain and starts pulling it up, reeling Thinky back in onto the bed and staring at him intensely. "Fine." She attempts to put on hand over the pixie's mouth, shutting off her pain in that section and holding the fey down against the bed, fingers wrapped around his whole body. Her other hand turns into a knife and moves close. Then goes to slice the bindings keeping the fey hostage with one cut.

    Should it all work out, Ilpholin will take the newly freed pixie and hold him up to where she can look him in the eyes while not releasing him from her grasp. "You'd better keep quiet until we're out, understand?" The second she gets something resembling a nod, she'd go to stuff him down her shirt. He'll be safe nestled there, tightly to her bosom and out of sight. She'd also hurriedly toss the bedding and pillow back on the bed to keep the illusion he's cowering under the sheets as she walks out of the room.

    This all happens quickly, but there's a lot of ifs relying on the pixie that could go wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
    [A meeting place]

    "Very well." he says. "My goal right now, is it to gain full controll of skyside. This way I can work on my research without trouble."
    It is true what he says, thought he once assumed to take over the nexus, but now he knows that it is impossible. Just the number of strong entitys would be a pain to deal with. Maybe f they vote for some kind of leader he might get a hand on it. Since we got no President of the nexus yet this idea is far away.

    "It would be best if the head just disapears with the whole body, but that depends on what you value my 'ultimate goal'"
    [A meeting place]

    "A goal that would require you to have many allies or puppets among the populance." Helios the pumpkin states. "My suggestion would be to either ally or puppet these troublemakers of yours. So in the interest of reaching this goal then what about this? In exchange for information about how you control the people of the city I can apply your methods to other parts of it. Essentially, you provide me with your product and I deliver it where you choose. There will of course be a fee of a few thousands of the credit used here in addition to that, but people don't work for just information after all and what I do requires money to accomplish."

    [New Inside - Castilla]

    "Pleeeeease don't hurt me!" Thinky laments as she drags them up by the chain though quickly falls quiet once she puts her hand over their mouth (and most of their body for that matter).
    They simply make a few nervous hand gestures and a nod in response. They shiver in her hand, too afraid to do anything else.
    The pixie is connected to the chain in a metal binding around their waist. Trying to cut through it might prove difficult and risky. It would likely take time to cut through it. But if she instead targeted the weak point of the chain would be where it connects to the binding she would save many minutes even though the metal binding would still be there.

    Either way, she can stuff the pixie down there without any real problems. Thinky don't seem very eager on disobeying her orders.

    All of this is of course caught by the camera but there is no instant reaction as she heads out the room.
    The guard turns to her. "Are you finished, miss?" He inquires as he looks up from his newspaper.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2020-01-21 at 08:07 AM.