Sunset is starting to find this more difficult. She takes a long breath. "Give me a second. We're almost at Tabiry, and then we won't have to worry about eavesdropping. I can just start talking from the top."

Soon enough, the party has arrived at the townhouse. A fairly decent building, small but with a couple of stories to its name. Sunset leads the group into an alleyway at its back, before waving a hand up at the second floor, where the faint light of a candle can be seen through shutters. "Okay. I'll go through the window. Don't worry - it's how I usually come in. I'll explain that you're here, and try and talk Tabs into letting you stay."

She's about to start climbing up the side of the building, but first pauses and looks between the Relic Knights, "Just... give me a minute to explain it all to her. All right? Tonight's been... kinda a lot."